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We are proposing two minor changes to the DCO Application; these can be read about in the Statement of Purpose Document on our Documents Page.

Change 1 is regarding the inclusion of provisions in the draft DCO for the compulsory acquisition of new rights over subsoil land beneath highway plots which are within the existing Order limits. Any representation relating to Change 1 must be submitted on the Planning Inspectorate’s registration form and give the grounds on which it is made. This can be accessed and completed online from 14th November 2024 on the Planning Inspectorate’s website.

Change 2 is regarding a minor change to our Application for a Development Consent Order which involves including an area of a private access track, High House Lane, in the Order Limits. The location and extent of the change to the Order Limits is shown in the Statement of Purpose and in the Land Plans submitted as part of the Change Application documents and available on the Documents page.

The purpose of Change 2 is to ensure that the Applicant has all necessary authorisation for the Applicant’s proposals to carry out upgrade works to that section of High House Lane for use as a construction access. The section of High House Lane for inclusion in the Order Limits is currently an earth track and it is proposed to surface this section of access track with crushed rock or gravel.

No other works within the section of High House Lane subject to Change 2 are proposed and Change 2 will not grant the Applicant any additional compulsory acquisition powers.

Any person wanting to respond to the consultation on Change 2 (including giving notice of any interest in the Change Application or the land affected by it, or making any comment on or objection to the Change Application) must do so in writing to either of the following:

Email: enquiries@byersgillsolar.com

Freepost: FREEPOST Byers Gill Solar Byers Gill Solar

Website: https://byersgillsolarfarm.co.uk/have-your-say/



Early engagement with select stakeholders



Launch public consultation with wider community

Autumn – Winter


Preparation of Development Consent Order application



Submission of Development Consent Order (DCO) application



Decision made on DCO application

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